Piloting supported employment services for youth in North Macedonia
The project "Piloting supported employment services for youth in North Macedonia" is implemented in cooperation with Wien Work integrative Betriebe und Ausbildungs gmbH. This project is sponsored by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, and Consumer Protection and by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). General project targets are the Contribution to reduce the inactivity and unemployment rate of youth and young people up to the age of 29, provision of supported employment (SE) services for youth and young persons threatened to be excluded from the labor market, strengthening of capacities of NGOs providing SE services. Training of SE coaches and piloting of SE services, the contribution of project activities to include SE services into the regular system of active labor market measures in North Macedonia, and strengthening of networking of SE service providers. After the process of selection of the candidates will be completed, the young unemployed people will have the possibility to attend counseling sessions, and workshops, and also prepare their career plans with the support and mentorship of the SE coaches (YCC staff), which will also help them get hired and find their job.
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